This latest discovery utilises Casper’s drone - which is traditionally used to farm spotting XP and occasionally stop vehicles in their tracks. The drone is controlled remotely, and since it can support C5 explosives, players figured out that it can also carry non-devastating devices. Case in point, Reddit user ArchieBuld managed to stick a medical crate on top of their drone, and fly it around delivering healing to teammates in sticky situations. This is particularly useful given that medical and ammo crates in Battlefield 2042 have a fairly wide range where they function, which you can see through the marked green circle. Presumably, this could also work with the ammo crate. I’d even argue that it’s more important than healing right now with weapons blooming everywhere and forcing people to miss shots. This may take you a few tries to get right, however. ArchieBuld suggests you throw the crate a little bit to the front of the drone to get it to stick. If you’re just getting started with Battlefield 2042 yourself now that the game is live for everyone, you’ll find a few helpful hints in our actually useful tips guide. Beyond that, you’re going to run into a few unpleasant problems, like misaligned hitboxes, the misleading weapon customisation screen and that bizarre Dozer shield glitch.