The image of Sanders sitting on his fold-out chair, arms crossed, mask on, and sporting his infamous mittens has become burned into the consciousness of anyone that’s been on the internet over the past few weeks. A plethora of memes have circulated showing off the US Senator for Vermont sitting at the Biden inauguration, but perhaps the most laudable effort comes from User619 and JoeMashups who have managed to get Sanders into the game, modding him over fellow chair-loving combatant Azwel (thanks, NME). Granted, the game already has a pretty robust customization suite that allows creative players to concoct some truly horrific characters, but this one was made with a mod using a model that was created by JoeMashups on Twitter. There may be no animation for the stoic character, but that just makes the whole thing funnier, really – watching Sanders expressionlessly move around the stage, wreaking havoc on enemies from the comfort of his chair… it’s quite chilling. You do have to be careful with the custom characters you bring into the game’s online modes, though: you may get banned from playing Soulcalibur 6 if they’re too ‘inappropriate’. Check out our Soulcalibur 6 guide for unlockables if you are keen to make your own fighter because how and when you use armour matters in Create a Soul characters.