Ghostwire Tokyo is an action adventure game with horror and supernatural elements. The plot revolves around ghost-like ‘visitors’ who’ve arrived to the city of Tokyo while all citizens seem to have vanished. Using physical and magical abilities, your goal is to find out what’s behind these strange events while fending off these enemies.
Where to buy Ghostwire Tokyo standard edition
The best place to save yourself a tidy sum through Base. They’re selling the PS5 standard edition for £44.85, a discount of up to £15 compared to other retailers. If ShopTo is your go-to for games, they’re selling it for £49.85. ShopTo also include bonuses of in-game content, such as the hannya and premium biker outfit packs, something that’s also promised by GAME, Argos and 365games too.
Where to buy Ghostwire Tokyo deluxe edition
The deluxe edition of Ghostwire Tokyo includes two additional outfit packs: streetwear and shinobi. It also includes access to the kunai weapon which you can select in-game.
Ghostwire Tokyo Deluxe Edition (PS5) - $79.99 at GameStop Ghostwire Tokyo (PC) - $79.99 at GameStop Ghostwire Tokyo Deluxe Edition (PS5) - $79.99 at BestBuy Ghostwire Tokyo (PC) - $79.99 at BestBuy
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