Mortal Shell is the debut game from indie studio Cold Symmetry, a team made up of AAA industry veterans. Mortal Shell is Souls-like action RPG that Cold Symmetry hopes would do the genre justice. There are a few intentional similarities between Mortal Shell’s world and those of Souls. It’s a grim, hopeless setting where you’re a nameless pawn who’s spurred to do someone else’s bidding without really understanding the full context of your actions. The game’s core hook, however, is the more interesting. The titular Shells are found across Mortal Shell’s world, and each offer unique combat styles when you inhabit them - sort of like Frames in Warframe. The more time you spend occupying a Shell, the better your connection gets and the more upgrades you unlock. Cold Symmetry promises a vast RPG with plenty of systems to uncover and mechanics to master. The game’s debut trailer, below, shows a lot of promise. It’s easily on the same level of visual fidelity as FromSoftware’s games, and combat looks meaty and tactful. Mortal Shell has been in development for two years by a core team of just 15 people, and it’s coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One in Q3 of this year.

You can wishlist Mortal Shell on Steam today.

Watch debut trailer for stunning Souls like Mortal Shell - 6Watch debut trailer for stunning Souls like Mortal Shell - 13Watch debut trailer for stunning Souls like Mortal Shell - 27