Not only is it your job to hire suitable staff, entertain students, and keep campus clean, but you’re going to need to tend to a few other things to ensure everyone is as comfortable and as happy as can be. Like any simulation title, it’s important to provide showers, toilets, food, and places to rest. However, thermal comfort is a pretty big deal across some campuses. Spiffinmoor, for example, is situated in a relatively cold climate. So, without the right means of regulating the temperature, both staff and students are going to freeze (or melt, depending on where you are). This is where thermal comfort becomes incredibly important! In this guide, we explain how to increase thermal comfort across Two Point Campus.

How do I increase thermal comfort in Two Point Campus?

You can check the thermal comfort levels across your campus using the panel on the lower left of your screen. Select Visualisations, and then the temperature to see what the deal is. Depending on where the campus is located, the temperature could be just fine. However, later campuses come with their own challenges, and some include hotter or colder climates. A warmer campus is going to need air-conditioning to stay cool, while a colder campus requires radiators. You’ll notice that you don’t need these right away, nor are they unlocked. Radiators become available on your fourth campus of witches and wizards, while air conditioning is unlocked at your fifth campus, which focuses on sports. Once you open up a campus that requires temperature regulation, getting the balance between few many and too many items is tricky. However, it’s safe to assume that as many tiles as possible should be yellow when placing your radiators or air-conditioning. Take care to not turn your campus into a tropical or arctic climate with too many of either item! The below campus, Spiffinmoor, requires 85% thermal comfort for you to gain one star. Obviously, the temperature can fluctuate which means this percentage will, too. However, if you ensure every blue tile is yellow with warmth, and none are red, your campus will soon sit at a good thermal comfort level for all. I managed to sit at around 90% thermal comfort with my indoor and outdoor radiators placed like the above! Typically, a minimum of one radiator or air-conditioning unit is needed in each room. That said, don’t forget that in colder climates like this one, you may also need to put down some outdoor heating to keep everyone happy. You can access this by opening the exterior items tab and searching for a Patio Heater, or by selecting the one item that looks a lot like a lamp post. That’s it for keeping the temperature of your campus under control! For more on Two Point Campus, check out how to train your staff so that things keep running smoothly.

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