Aida is a huge, habitable alien world that everyone has found themselves on, but it might not be safe for too much longer. As the Wanderer, it’s your job to be as powerful as can be and try to save Aida; can you do it?
Is Tower of Fantasy free to play?
The short answer is yes. Tower of Fantasy is a free to play game, and players can embark on all of the games content without paying a penny. Tower of Fantasy does feature microtransactions, in which players can purchase Tanium to spend on other resources, or players can directly purchase resource packs.
What platforms is Tower of Fantasy on?
Tower of Fantasy is available on PC and mobile platforms only. There appears to be no plans to bring the game to PS4, PS5, Xbox or Nintendo Switch anytime soon.
What is the Server Daily Reset Time in Tower of Fantasy?
Tower of Fantasy has a Daily Reset Time for all of its servers. This is to refresh the servers so players can go about claiming sign-in bonuses, completing daily tasks, and more. The Daily Reset Time varies between regions, but is as follows:
2am PT 4am CT 5am ET 10am BST 2:30pm IST 7pm AET
After this time, you can relaunch the game and go about gathering more Exp. and hitting the latest level cap!
What is the Daily Level Cap in Tower of Fantasy?
The Daily Level Cap is the maximum level you can hit on a given day. For example, during your first day playing Tower of Fantasy, you cannot exceed Level 18. On your second day, you can go up to Level 24, but no higher. The Level Cap increases ever so slightly each day, and any Exp. gained after hitting the cap will not go towards levelling. That said, make sure to save those missions and activities with high Exp. rewards for the next day.
Does Tower of Fantasy have cross-progression and cross-save?
Tower of Fantasy does have cross-save and cross-progression between both PC and mobile platforms. Simply log in to the game from either device, and pick up from where you left off, no matter what device you were previously using.