The Witcher Netflix series aired on December 20, and while most of us have binged the show, some of you probably haven’t. If this is the case, just know there might be a slight spoiler in this post. Again, just a slight one, nothing major. According to showrunner Lauren S. Hissrich, viewers can expect a less convoluted timeline during Season 2. We say convoluted because, for some, the multiple timelines in Season 1 were a bit confusing. This was due to showing the current timeline along with the past (this is the spoiler). It took almost four episodes for some to realize what was going on. But Hissrich said during a Reddit AMA to expect the season two timeline to be more linear, now that the characters’ stories have started to intersect. You can also expect characters, such as Jaskier, to “age up” over the course of the show. “It’s hard to show the passage of time when everyone looks the same, so we’ll be approaching that differently,” she said (thanks, GamesRadar). You can also expect “new, fun characters” to make an appearance during the second season, and some more “tidbits of Witcher lore,” making it a possibility we’ll meet other Witchers during the season. We hope anyway. The Witcher Season 2 is set to air sometime in 2021.