In this trailer, we see a series of scenes from the game’s single player campaign, featuring Task Force 141 on a variety of missions including a night raid, an infiltration mission where the team uses speedboats to approach an oil rig, as well as some hectic gunfights all with a spin on Metallica’s Everywhere I Roam playing in the background. It’s hard to gleam a huge amount of new info from this trailer, which makes sense considering it’s a short collection of clips meant to get the general gist across rather than explain what’s going on narratively. We do hear Captain Price exclaim that “they’ll need an army”, so the stakes are way up with this second instalment in the Modern Warfare reboot. By now, the leaked trailer is spreading like wildfire across the internet with multiple camera recordings of the prematurely released footage circulating easily findable. Here’s hoping the livestream has more official details to share later today, and that nothing else slips out early to further spoil the show. For more Modern Warfare 2 articles, check out our piece on last month’s Modern Warfare 2 announcement. The game is set to release on October 28 2022.