Call of Duty: Warzone players, who only recently had a brief reprieve from the DMR-14 and Diamattis meta, have now run into an old, but seemingly undead glitch. As we’ve recently seen with the return of the invisibility glitch, it appears the infinite stim glitch has also reared back its ugly head. Over the weakened, a number of Warzone players posted footage of encountering this problem on Reddit. The glitch allows the player abusing it to heal themselves infinitely using the stim tactical item. Doing this, the abuser could simply sit in the gas and win the match by outlasting all players, who at the point would be confused as they look for them to no avail. The glitch actually makes it possible to infinitely replenish your tactical grenade, so someone else might use it, for instance, to continue spamming stun grenades, but most typically use it with the stim to win the match. The timing is a little cruel, too, because it coincides with this week’s launch of the mid-season update. Though it is a bit amusing that the launch of Season 1 re-introduced one glitch, and its mid-season refresh brought back another. The invisibility glitch was fixed fairly quickly, so hopefully Warzone players won’t have to wait too long to see the infinite stim glitch fixed.