Titled Shadow Over Morrowind, this year’s story content brings players back to Morrowind to explore places inaccessible since The Elder Scrolls released in 1994. Shadow Over Morrowind tells a story across multiple content releases, beginning with Scribes of Fate DLC in March. It will feature two new four-player PvE dungeons. One will pit you against the acolytes of the Scribes of Mora in Scrivener’s Hall, in the other, you will face the temporal magics of Bal Sunnar. The story content continues with the Necrom chapter in June. It features 30 hours of all-new story content set in new zones in eastern Morrowind, with two new companions. In addition to the new zones, Necrom will also come with a new playable class, the Arcanist. The Arcanist is ESO’s seventh and newest class, bringing new abilities and mechanics drawn from Hermaeus Mora’s realm of Oblivion. As a practitioner, you will make use of runes, tomes of ancient knowledge, and the energy of Apocrypha to unleash destructive, defensive, or restorative magic from three new skill lines. The Arcanist class features a new mechanic called Crux. When you activate particular class abilities, you generate Crux. The more Crux you generate before spending on abilities, the more your ability is empowered. Scribes of Fate releases on March 13 for Mac and PC and on March 28 for PlayStation and Xbox. The Necrom chapter hits Mac and PC on June 5 and PlayStation and Xbox on June 20. It is now available for pre-order, and dropping money early on will net you immediate access to the Sadrith Mora Spore Steed mount and Sadrith Mora Spore Pony pet. You will also receive additional bonuses when the content is released. There are also two versions available to choose from: The Elder Scrolls Online Collection: Necrom and The Elder Scrolls Online Upgrade: Necrom.