When the development studio Fntastic announced the game in January 2021, a trademark for The Day Before was available. However, in May 2021, an individual from South Korea filed for the trademark, four months after the game’s announcement. Filed in the US by the individual, after a standard period of assessment and investigation by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), the trademark was granted in November 2022. On January 19, the studio received a complaint from the trademark holder. Because of this, the studio has taken the game’s Steam page and website offline. The team has also delayed The Day Before from its planned March release to November 10. Originally set to release in June 2021, the studio postponed the game to switch to Unreal Engine 5. The team also planned to release a lengthy gameplay video this month; however, it too has been postponed until the trademark issue is sorted. Since its announcement in January 2021, The Day Before became one of the most wishlisted games on Steam. The game is set in a post-pandemic America where the flesh-hungry infected roam about the place. In the game, you wake up alone “in a world you no longer remember” where survivors are killing each other over food, weapons, and cars. You will set out to find answers and gather the resources you need to survive. To survive, you will use realistic weapons against the infected and other players. You will have a temperature gauge, thirst meter, and more to help keep track of your mortality as you drive around and explore the world.