This time, the story will revolve less around supernatural elements, and more around things that are a little bit more grounded in reality. In The Devil in Me, a group of documentary filmmakers receive a mysterious invite to a replica of the ‘Murder Castle’ of H.H. Holmes – America’s first serial killer. The crew – who you’ll no doubt be able to play as from a multi-protagonist perspective – soon discover that they’re being watched, and there is much more at stake than their viewing figures. We’d heard the name of the game in a leak back in July, but it’s nice to get a bit more information about what we can expect from the game when it launches (no doubt in 2022). The publisher calls this entry into the series “the anthology’s most bloodcurdling story yet”, which is a bit surprising, given that there’s been no shortage of horror thus far in the compilation. To date, we’ve seen games in the series vary in quality – we’ve had Man of Medan, Little Hope, and House of Ashes. “House of Ashes, the third game in Supermassive Games’ The Dark Pictures Anthology, is the best game the studio has released since PS4 exclusive Until Dawn,” said Tom in our House of Ashes review last week.