Demos are now available for various indie games through the Steam Game Festival: Summer Edition which is going now through June 22. Like the previous Steam Game Festivals, it offers free demos to Steam users. You can also watch games being played, developer talks, and there will also be live Q&As. During the festival, all games can be found on one Steam hub and each listing will take you to the respective store pages. Once there, you can learn more about the titles and download demos. The first Steam Game Festival was held in 2019 and took place alongside The Game Awards. A spring edition took place in March and featured over 40 demos of titles meant for the postponed GDC 2020 event. This is the third Steam Game Festival, and the largest yet with over 40 demos featured this past spring and now “over 900 titles in the summer edition.” The Summer Edition of the festival was originally slated to run June 9-14.