The Steam Game Festival has been renamed to Steam Next Fest. In a post on the PC platform, Valve said that it had tweaked the branding of this event to make it clearer what the show is all about. The next, er, Steam Next Fest is set to place between June 16 and 22 and will feature “hundreds” of demos, with developers also taking part in livestreams to discuss their upcoming releases. “We’ve renamed the Steam Game Festival to more directly communicate its focus: Announcing Steam Next Fest, a multi-day celebration of upcoming games,” Valve wrote on Steam. “Explore and play hundreds of game demos, watch developer livestreams, and chat with the teams about their games in progress, coming soon to Steam.” Steam Game Festival debuted in December 2019, taking place alongside Geoff Keighley’s The Game Awards. These events see upcoming titles highlighted, with developers and publishers making demos available for a number of forthcoming releases. Only a dozen demos were playable during the first Game Festival; the most recent iteration – in February 2021 – saw over 500 titles that consumers could check out. Developers who want to submit their game for consideration in June’s Steam Next Fest should head here for all the boring info. Meanwhile, Geoff Keighley has said that his Summer Fame Fest digital show – which debuted in 2020 – will be returning in a “more condensed” form this year.