The issue was originally raised on Reddit, where the AutoModerator for the official Steam subreddit reminded players that the platform’s servers would temporarily be down to accommodate for its weekly scheduled maintenance. As soon as said maintenance was finished, players began to comment on the thread noting that they were unable to access games they owned. “I tried launching a game (Fallout: New Vegas) and it kept taking me to the Steam store page for it,” wrote Reddit user Freelancer05. “I uninstalled it intending to reinstall it but now it’s no longer in my library. Adding the game to my cart tells me that I already own the game. Is this because of the maintenance?” Other games mentioned included Dead by Daylight, Doom, Red Dead Redemption 2, and literally every Elder Scrolls game. The issue was sufficiently well-voiced for the official Dead by Daylight Twitter page to intervene - check out the tweet below. “We’re currently looking into an issue on Steam preventing players to access their game or DLC,” reads the tweet. “For some players logging out of Steam and restarting appears to help. We will update when we have more information. Thank you for your patience.” Fortunately, Valve was able to rectify the issue a few hours later. The official Steam Twitter account posted a solution and apologized for any inconvenience caused. “We’ve fixed an issue where the Steam client wasn’t displaying ownership correctly for some games,” reads the tweet. “You may need to restart your Steam client for the changes to take effect. Apologies for the disruption.” In related news, Valve recently placed extra restrictions on country switching to prevent users from exploiting regional pricing. For example, Horizon Zero Dawn on PC recently saw massive price hikes all over the world due to people signing into stores from other regions in order to get the game for a cheaper price. With the new restrictions, it’s even more difficult for exploiters to get away with using VPNs, which are strictly prohibited by the platform in the first place.