Rumours have been swirling for months now that Call of Duty: Warzone is set to introduce its own version of custom/private lobbies. The base game of Modern Warfare does, of course, offer the ability, but the battle royale side has yet to catch up. It looks like we’re closer than ever, however, as some managed to glitch into the Warzone custom match menu. Not only did they get to explore the options players have control over when creating a private Warzone lobby, they also reportedly got a match running. Twitter users @GlitchHunterz and @Waffle212121212 were the first to successfully load into the private match menu, and host a game with 24 players.

Custom match creators have control over a number of variables, including max health in both the standard and downed states, health regen, the ability to revive downed teammates, tactical sprint, and even the ability to mount your weapon onto surfaces. Interestingly, Warzone private matches do not support bots, so you’ll have to assemble a full server ahead of time. It’s not yet clear what the minimum and maximum number of players private Warzone matches will support. Assuming they’re hosted on dedicated servers, they could potentially support the maximum of 150 players. Custom matches, of course, have a variety of use cases. Solo players and small groups can use them to break down Easter eggs and other in-game events away from the pressure and chaos of the real game. They’re also perfect for tournaments, particularly if organisers decide to disable/enable certain mechanics. Thanks, Modern Warzone.