In total we’re given a fantastic sample platter of weapons, armour pieces, the glaive, and a little bit of weapon crafting too for good measure! While we aren’t given anything super substantial such as weapon stats or detailed descriptions on exotic abilities, we can grasp the gist of what each thing does. You can watch the trailer embedded below: Starting off strong, we see weapon crafting in motion as the player seemingly adjusts what traits your crafted weapon has manually. No idea how we unlock these, or if we are limited to a certain number of weapons we can craft, but it’s great to see a visual representation of what the experience will be like. Next up are exotics. We start with the Grand Overture - a slug launcher that unloads fully automatic missiles at enemies with a crazy fire rate. Beneath this, a small disclaimer stating that the battle pass is required for the gun, indicating it’s the reward for purchasing the premium season pass on the launch of The Witch Queen expansion. Secondly, we get the Parasite - a grenade launcher that spews forth parasites which deal “increasing damage”. No clue if that means it deals increased damage on continuous hits, or if it hits a large number of enemies as shown in the trailer, but it certainly is hella gross. Next up is the Osteo Striga, the pre-order bonus SMG that shoots out swarming projectiles that appear to burst outwards once an enemy you hit has died. It also looks as though the gun deals damage over time, as surviving foes glow green and die seemingly out of nowhere. If you like the look of it, you’ll need to pony up some extra cashola though. Finally, we get the glaives! Each different class receives a different special ability with the exotic glaive shown off in the trailer which complements the user’s kit. The titan is able to shoot out a protective dome from the glaive, providing sudden cover to those who need it. The warlock can shoot out a healing well, providing much needed aid in tough spots. The hunter is far more aggressive however, being able to shoot forth chain lightning from their exotic glaive that rips through a group of Hive. Moving on from guns, we catch a short look at some fancy new exotic armour pieces. The Hoarfrost-Z titan chest replaces the typical barricade with a stasis wall that you pesky status players can set up cover more useful to your playstyle. Next, the Warlock gets the Osmiomancy Gloves. These provide additional coldsnap grenades, and causes them to have slight target seeking capabilities so you can more consistently freeze enemies in place. The final exotic we see is the Blight Ranger Helmet for the hunters. This boosts the damage dealt by reflected projectiles, so be prepared to bust out your staff ultimate and start dishing out some much needed payback to those who mean you harm. So what do you think? Do these exotics have you hyped for the new expansion? If so, you’ll want to start preparing yourself for the launch of The Witch Queen expansion by getting rid of those gunsmith materials you have stocked up. While you’re at it, check out what the Destiny community thinks about the Sony / Bungie acquisition.