The removals will start on February 7. Once purchased, you can always redownload the games or any other previously purchased games from your Xbox 360 Download History. This will not affect the game if they are currently available on the Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S stores. Only the Xbox 360 Marketplace. Speaking with Gematsu, a Microsoft spokesperson assured you will still be able to play discs or previously downloaded games on your Xbox 360 and modern consoles if they are backwards compatible titles. Below is the list of titles which will be removed in the Americas. For you specific region, click here.
Aegis Wing Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood Assassin’s Creed 3 Assassin’s Creed 4 Assassin’s Creed Liberation HD Blood of the Werewolf Blue Dragon Breakdown Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Call of Duty: Ghosts Castle Crashers Cloning Clyde Counter-Strike: GO Dark Souls Darksiders 2 DAYTONA USA Defense Grid Eets: Chowdown Far Cry 2 Final Fight: DblImpact Iron Brigade Jeremy McGrath’s Offroad Jet Set Radio Left 4 Dead Left 4 Dead 2 LIMBO Lost Odyssey Mass Effect 2 Monopoly Deal Mutant Blobs Attack N+ Outpost Kaloki X Peggle 2 Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds Prince of Persia R.U.S.E. Sega Vintage Collection: Alex Kidd & Co. Skate 2 South Park: The Stick of Truth Spelunky SplinterCellConviction Star Wars Battlefront Star Wars KOTOR 2 The Orange Box The Raven Episode 1 The Witcher 2