I’ve played Skyrim an embarrassing amount of times. Despite how many peers and friends insist Morrowind and Oblivion are the better games, it’s Skyrim that continually has me crawling back. No matter how many game-breaking bugs I encounter, or how many times I simply forget to save at a pivotal moment and end up frustrated, I have a never-ending toxic relationship with Tamriel. I’m okay with this. My last full play through of the title was on the Nintendo Switch (excluding the time I spent hours modding Skyrim in VR to realise that actually, I should probably play Blade & Sorcery instead). I didn’t expect much from Skyrim on the Switch, and honestly thought that I’d probably give up and play it on Xbox again. However, I was wrong. I played the game to completion, and only had to lose my progress twice when bugs occurred; this was a success, if you ask me. After that, and my stint with Skyrim’s many mods, I felt as though my relationship with Bethesda’s apparently immortal RPG was finally over. I’ve spent enough time with it, and there are plenty of other Bethesda games I ought to try in the lead up to The Elder Scrolls VI. Of course, though, Bethesda had to — finally — introduce Skyrim’s Anniversary Edition to the Nintendo Switch. Just in time for winter, too, which coincidentally, is my favourite time to play Skyrim. With this bundle, which is currently £59.99 / $69.99 for the full thing, or £17.99 / $19.99 to upgrade, players will get add-ons from Skyrim Special Edition, new Creation Club content, and all three official DLC for the game: Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn. All you had to say was Dawnguard, and I’d be hovering over the purchase button and preparing a cosy corner to play the game in for the next month straight. Maybe this time around, I won’t die to dragons half as much. I don’t know why I like Skyrim as much as I do. It’s certainly not for the story, that’s for sure. I don’t know if it’s simply a comfort game at this point, or if there’s something about the chaos of breaking the game or throwing Lydia off a mountain, that keeps my interest. Either way, I’m ready to get stuck into another epic adventure.