This guide will you through all the info we have on the Of Queens and Worms quest and the Parasite exotic grenade launcher, including what it does, how to obtain the exotic, and how to get your hands on its catalyst too!
Destiny 2 - How to get the Parasite exotic Destiny 2 - Parasite Grenade Launcher stats and abilites Destiny 2 - How to get the Parasite exotic grenade launcher catalyst?
Destiny 2 - How to get the Parasite exotic
To earn the Parasite Exotic grenade launcher, you’ll need to complete the “of Queen and Worms” exotic quest. This has lots of steps, and acts as a kind of epilogue to the main story quest, so strap in for the long haul if you want to earn yourself thsi exotic. We’ll run through the questline quickly below, so if you want to save yourself from spoilers go ahead and skip to following sections to avoid spoilers. All you need to know if you want to dodge spoilers is that you need 1510 light level to start off the quest, and 1520 to finish it.
Of Queens and Worms step by step guide
Step 1 - Following the completion of The Witch Queen campaign, travel to Mars and speak to Mara Sov behind the weapon crafting relic. Step 2 - Complete the Birthplace of the Vile strike. 1510 recommended light level Step 3 - Talk to Fynch on Savathun’s Throne World Step 4 - Travel to the temple of cunning and find a cryptography rune Step 5 - Kill 100 scorn in the Throne World to charge the run. A great place for this is the Extraction lost sector in the Quagmire region. Alternatively, if the Dark Ether or the escort public event are running, these are brilliant too. Step 6 - Head to the Sepulchre lost sector in Fluorescent Canal Step 7 - Head to the end of the Sepulchre lost sector and pick up an incubator there. Step 8 - Complete three patrols in the Fluorescent Canal. Location scans are the quickest, but failing that picking up any patrol and participating in a public event is usually a good way of clearing these quickly. Step 9 - Travel to the Queen’s Bailey and find a cryptography rune Step 10 - Enter the Metamorphosis lost sector in the Miasma Step 11 - Grab the Larvae incubator at the end of the metamorphosis lost sector Step 12 - Travel to the Alluring Curtain and find a cryptography rune Step 13 - Find the Deepsight cache in the Alluring Curtain Step 14 - Enter the Extraction lost sector in the Quagmire Step 15 - Grab the Larvae incubator at the end of the Extraction lost sector Step 16 - Talk to Fynch on Savathun’s Throne World Step 17 - Complete the Parasitic Pilgrimage mission. This requires 1520 Light level, so you might need to complete your weeklies before you’re ready for this one!
Destiny 2 - Parasite Grenade Launcher stats and abilites
Here are the stats for the Parasite exotic grenade launcher:
Blast Radius - 55 Velocity - 10 Stability - 53 Handling - 52 Reload Speed - 50 Rounds Per Minute - 120 Magazine - 1
As for abilites, the Parasite has two that set it apart from other grenade launchers:
Worm’s Hunger - The weapon fires Hive worms that explode on impact. The size and damage scales with the number of enemies recently killed prior to firing the weapon. Worm Byproduct - Taking damage from your own worm projectile empowers the weapon for a short time.
As such, the Parasite is a brilliant wave clearing weapon able to devestate large groups of enemies at once. As we’re dealing with a lot of Hive and Scorn this expansion, you’ll likely get a lot of value out of the Parasite exotic.
Destiny 2 - How to get the Parasite exotic grenade launcher catalyst?
As of right now, there’s now way to get a catalyst for the Parasite in Destiny 2: The Witch Queen. Once there is, we’ll add information here as to how you can go out and grab it! For more information on Destiny 2: The Witch Queen exotics, check out our guides on how to obtain the Grand Overture exotic, and how to get the Osteo Striga exotic SMG.