This new story, which follows mage Alzur and their companion Lily as they seek out a powerful weapon to end the monster threat once and for all, is purchasable for £7.49. While standalone, it is technically an expansion to Gwent, meaning you can also pick that up at additional cost for the full Gwent experience. If this seems like news that appeared out of nowhere, it’s because it was revealed to the world only yesterday in an IGN exclusive. This was previously under wraps as Project Golden Nekker, but details regarding the title, or its sudden emergence onto PC and mobile platforms, hadn’t been made known until the very last moment. In an interview from the aforementioned IGN exclusive, game director Vladimir Tortsov states that this title is a response to a desire from fans for a PvE Gwent experience, more aligned with how they would have first experienced it in The Witcher 3. “While Gwent multiplayer is a fantastic game for those who are looking for a great PvP multiplayer experience, we perfectly understand that many Witcher players loved the original mini-game of Gwent for totally different reasons. With Rogue Mage we aim to give this audience a reason to play modern-day Gwent in the format they prefer.” This release likely comes as a welcome shock to fans of The Witcher who were otherwise sitting tight and waiting for additional updates on The Witcher 4, which only recently left the research phase of development. Since that title is still clearly a ways out, maybe Gwent: Rogue Mage can provide an experience of what diehard mega fans of the series - or fans of card games in general - will enjoy. Will you be picking up Gwent: Rogue Mage? Let us know below!