In an announcement, GAME has declared it will close 40 stores in the UK,  with 13 sites that have had notice served. This includes stores in Mansfield, Canterbury, Watford, Glasgow Fort and Leicester. Yesterday, notice was served to 14 sites other sites including Derby, Norwich Chapelfield, Lakeside, Bexleyheath and Carmarthen. The company said it intends to serve notice on the additional sites in the near future as part of its “rationalisation programme” unless rent is cut by business property landlords. A spokesperson for GAME stated: “We are working closely with landlords throughout the UK to ensure that we do not have to vacate the 40 locations which could lead to a number of job losses. “However, we are facing a challenging retail market and GAME with its extensive retail footprint, needs to restructure and landlords need to work with us in setting realistic, fair rents.” Back in June, British high street chain Sports Direct made a bid for the retailer which, if it succeeded - and it has - would see the closure or consolidation of existing stores.  Owned by Frasers Group, the takeover was made for £52 million.