Bethesda has announced those who play Fallout 76 through the launcher will be able to get the game on Steam for a limited time. From now until April 12, if you have already purchased the game on, you have the opportunity to get the game on Steam, including the Wastelanders update - which is free. In order to get your free Steam copy, you will need to link your Steam account to your account before 11:59pm ET, April 12. When the Steam version is available, you will automatically receive your copy. Bethesda notes you will not be able to transfer Atoms or Fallout 1st membership balance between and Steam, as Atoms are specific to one platform or the other. However, items you have purchased through the Atomic Shop will be available in both and Steam. Also, from April 14-28, if you buy FO76 on Steam, you will receive the Fallout Classic Collection for free. It includes Fallout 1, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics. Those who own FO76 on and activate their free Steam copy will also receive the Fallout Classic Collection during that two-week post-launch window. FO76 will be released on Steam April 12. The Wastelanders update releases on April 14.