Now that Fallout 76’s Wastelanders update is here, NPCs have returned to the world. That, of course, brings with it all the obvious benefits from new story content to NPC companions, but it appears to have also introduced a new problem. Players on the Fallout 76 subreddit have been reporting an unusual problem: NPCs stealing their weapons. According to players, this seems to happen during events. Some of the examples mentioned were Riding Shotgun, and Radiation Rumble. When a player dies, they came back to find that companion NPCs have picked up their equipped weapon. NPCs also pick up all the ammo the dead player had on them, too.

This is a major problem if you happened to bring a rare weapon into an event, to say nothing of the loss in time/money spent creating the ammo. It’s not clear what triggers this, as others have died and came back to find their stash intact. In response, a Bethesda community manager confirmed that the developer is looking into the problem. If you’re enjoying Wastelanders yourself, our faction reward guide can help you decide between the Chinese Stealth Armor and Gauss Minigun. If you’ve yet to kick off faction questlines, we also have some helpful guides for Hunter for Hire and Strength in Numbers.