Hot on the heels of Microsoft’s news, Unreal Engine creator and Fortnite developer, Epic Games, has announced that it’s going to miss GDC 2020. The reason provided was basically the same other companies shared: concerns over coronavirus and a desire to protect employees. “Here at Epic we were excited about participating in GDC 2020,” Epic said in an official Tweet. “Regrettably, uncertainty around health concerns has made it unviable to send our employees, and so we have made the difficult decision to withdraw attendance.” To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings Stay tuned for Epic news and more through other channels. — Unreal Engine (@UnrealEngine) February 27, 2020 Epic is only the latest of many, many game developers and publishers who all decided to sit this one out. This all started with Sony, who was later followed by Kojima Productions, EA, and competing engine maker, Unity. Where some, like Microsoft, will be hosting some of their planned GDC talks online, others have yet to announce any such plans. GDC will run as scheduled March 16-20.