Most recently, one courageous player managed to fell the Mimic Tear successfully, without attacking the boss. An impressive feat, right? Reddit user, Going_Loki, shared a video to the Elden Ring subreddit on June 7 showcasing them beating the Mimic Tear without landing a single hit. For those who may not know, the Mimic Tear boss is essentially an exact body-double of your character, levels and all. So, if you’re a tough Tarnished, this boss fight won’t be easy. After felling the boss, the Mimic Tear summon can be collected from Night’s Sacred Ground, beyond the boss arena. Once used, a portion of your health is exchanged so that you can summon a replica of yourself whenever necessary. This was pretty OP during launch until it was nerfed, but still remains one of the stronger Spirit Ashes in Elden Ring. For the fight, Going_Loki jumped in with no gear except their weapon. The key to this fight going the way that it did is that Going_Loki had their weapon infused with the Bloody Slash skill. When this skill is used, a small portion of the user’s HP is depleted. So, as a result, the Mimic Tear boss was merely chipping away at their own health. Meanwhile, all Going_Loki had to do was dodge their attacks. It’s been incredibly impressive to see what lengths players have gone to in order to maximise their experiences of Elden Ring, and the multiple ways of cheesing bosses that the community have come together to discover.