Alongside that, and the usual set of bug fixes, the patch also adjusts White Mask Varre’s questline, making it possible to finish it without having to invade other players. Update 1.06’s first new feature is expanding the reach of summon signs. Players can now send their signs to multiple summoning pools, making it easier for them to get a match. You can even do this for “distant areas,” but that doesn’t include the Mohgwyn Palace. The same is true for invasions, which can now reach a much larger set of possible areas. The other major addition is a new NPC, who will become part of White Mask Varre’s questline. Previously, to complete that quest, players had to perform a number of invasions of real players’ games, something a large number of players isn’t interested in doing. Varre’s quest was the only one in Elden Ring with a PvP component. Thanks to today’s patch, however, you will be able to advance the quest by defeating said NPC. The invasion part of the questline remains as an option. More interesting than the new content and feature is what 1.06 does to the game’s balance. The update makes using a greatswords, curved greatswords, great hammers, and great axes worth it. A major problem with those heavy weapons is the time it takes for you to be able to roll after landing an attack. FromSoft made it so rolling can start quicker following an attack with those weapons, though that doesn’t include jump attacks, dual-wielding and mounted combat. The attack animation for heavy and charge attacks has also been sped up, and the same is true for Guard Counters. The rolling distance for players with a light equip load has been increased, which should mak the lightest equip load more viable, as it didn’t always stand off from the popular mid-equip load. Beyond that, patch 1.06 brings some balance changes to the Bloodhound Step (abused in PvP) - making it less effective when used continuously, shortening its travel distance, and cutting down on invincibility frames. Quick Step, on the other hand, has been buffed by making it activate more quickly, and travel longer distances on light equip load. Like the Bloodhound Step, however, its performance will be reduced if you spam it. For the full change log, check out the official blog. And for everything else we have on the game, our Elden Ring guide continues to be helpful.