How to get Silver Leaves and Silver Ash
Silver Leaves drop from a range of activities, so long as you’re wearing Candescent Armor, so plan on grinding quite a few to get the Leaves you need. Getting Silver Ash works a bit differently. You need to complete the Bonfire Bash activity to transform your Leaves into Ash, but how much Ash you get depends on your participation levels in the activity. Igniting the Bonfire once transforms one Silver Leaf, and you get five Silver Ash for each Silver Leaf. There’s a Silver Ash cap of sorts. You can only convert 20 Silver Leaves per Bonfire Bash activity, which means 100 Silver Ash is the maximum amount you can get in one go.
How to get Candescent Armor
Getting the Candescent Armor you need to start earning Silver Leaves is a straightforward process. Just head to the tower and speak with Eva Levante to get a full set. The goal from this point is using Silver Ash to roll for new and better stats, which you can – hopefully – get from using Kindling. We’ve covered how to get Kindling in a separate guide.
What is the best way to farm Silver Leaves?
These are the activities you can earn Silver Leaves from:
Witch Queen campaign missions Strike, Crucible, and Gambit matches Public events and patrol missions Nightfall Strikes and the Grandmaster variants thereof Wellspring Vanguard Ops Blind Well
Ideally, you want to focus on the activities tied to your event card challenges – which are the same in the free and paid version, so you don’t need to spend any money – so you make progress on both fronts. Aside from that, your best bet to farm Silver Leaves is in playlist activities. Crucible, Strike, and Gambit activities give you five Silver Leaves per go, so while you can get more Leaves from longer activities, it ultimately works out more efficiently to focus on these since you can complete them fairly quickly. If you’re still working your way through the latest Destiny 2 season, check out our Season of the Haunted walkthrough and tips on how to finish Bound in Sorrow and the Nightmare Containment activity.