With gameplay, an issue that could cause wrecked cars or multiple Nomad cars to spawn in traffic when driving fast has been fixed. The recon grenade will no longer highlight non-hostile crowd NPCs, and the issue where after using the Take Control quickhack on a device caused the camera axis to invert when zoomed in should no longer occur. Quest issues fixed include not being able to repurchase an apartment makeover you already own, it won’t be possible to hack the Northside apartment before completing Act 1 anymore, walking into a wall in the elevator in Megabuilding H8 will no longer kill yiou instantly, and Johnny will no longer despawn if you leave the booth before interacting with the projector. Open world issues such as summoned vehicles being spawned far away from you, Suicidal Corpos in Corpo Plaza standing up after a fall, and an issue where an Assault in Progress in Arroyo wasn’t visible on the map have been fixed. A quest tag to fixer rewards when they’re first found in the stash has been added to the UI alongside the inability to change the position of the marker when a time skip is in progress, and an issue where the loot UI could flicker and change before picking up the item has been addressed. The patch fixes animations and missing or displaced objects in various scenes, deals with animation occurring when performing an aerial takedown using the Hidden Dragon perk, stops sandstorms from appearing in scenes they weren’t supposed to, and it fixes an issue where foliage was not affected by different weather conditions. Of course there’s more to the patch, and there are platform specific updates included as well, so you will want to read over the full patch notes for yourself.