If you like golf and roguelikes (and let’s be honest, who among us doesn’t fit into that Venn diagram?) you’re going to love Chuhai Labs’ upcoming adventure. The premise is (fairly) simple: The game has you play as a pro-golfer that dies when he’s struck by a freak lightning bolt on the final hole of a championship game. Sent to golf purgatory, our hole-happy hero learns that the only way to escape the cursed afterlife is to golf his way through 18 supernatural holes. It’s like crazy golf with a puzzle-platformer twist. Check out the debut trailer below. “Played like a golfinated turn-based 2D side scrolling puzzle platformer, attempt to survive each hole by reaching the flag within the PAR Count; a designated amount of swings you have to reach the end,” a press release explains. If the PAR Count reaches zero, you’ll get sucked through a purgatorial vortex back to the beginning of the course – and you’ll have to start all over gain. The game’s creator and director, Liam Edwards, noted that the game is inspired by an interest in both player movement and physics, and the way the two mix to form a genuinely interesting – and unique – experience. Cursed To Golf is inspired by classic roguelikes and Metroidvanias with a smattering of retro golf games," said Edwards. Kyoto-based developer Chuhai Labs and Swedish publisher Thunderful Games are bringing the game to Nintendo Switch and PC in 2022. Check out its Steam page here.