Call of Duty: Warzone has been out for over a week now and the more interesting tips and tricks are starting to emerge from the chaos. It also helps that the sandbox nature of the game allows for some clever use of the tools at players’ disposal. One such useful tool is the ability to call in killstreaks. You only have access to two in Warzone, and only one of them - the air strike - can really be effective against roof campers. This has to do with how quickly the air strike reaches its target, giving victims little time to get out of harm’s way. Usually, you’d need to have a line of sight to your target in order to call in an air strike on it. This can be tricky to do, however, when you also have to watch out for sniper fire from the same campers you’re trying to take out. The solution, as you can see in Reddit user Yayeetdab045’s clip below, is to simply call it in from inside their building. This manoeuvre has been working very well in multiplayer - particularly Ground War - since the game’s launch, but Warzone gives it new life. To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings It may be a bit tricky to pull off if you’re dealing with campers on one of those massive roofs, since you’d have to do a bit of guessing as to which part of the roof they’re on, but it helps to know that you can do it. If you’re enjoying Warzone yourself, why not do even better by reading our favourite Warzone loaduts, and these crucial tips to dominate in battle royale .