Infinity Ward rolled out a new small patch for Call of Duty: Warzone that fixes a few miscellaneous bugs. One of the patch’s more interesting changes is the removal of Counter UAVs, but only those that would sometimes be found in loot boxes. A Counter UAV can still be activated by popping four UAVs at the same time, but it looks like Infinity Ward wasn’t quite ready for players to start finding them as lootable items just yet. It does, however, confirm recent leaks that Counter UAVs are on their way to Warzone properly. We may even see them join the Buy Station menu. The patch also brings the promised fixes for the new Rytec AMR sniper. The weapon will no longer kill in a single hit when using explosive rounds in Warzone, but it should now award the correct amount of XP when using the same rounds. And, in case you missed it, the Quads-200 player playlist is now gone, replaced with regular Quads. You’ll also find the new Stimulus Trios playlist, which allows for automatic respawns if the dead player has enough cash.

Read on below for the full change log:

Fix for incorrect text appearing as one of the SUV camos. Fix for the Rytec AMR not awarding the correct amount of XP when using explosive rounds. Fixed an issue where the Rytec AMR could one-hit kill when using explosive rounds in BR. Fix for the Fully Loaded gun perk not functioning as intended when equipping alternate ammunition on the Rytec AMR. Fixed a bug where a CUAVs could be found in Warzone. Fixed an issue where some players were unable to use Field Upgrades in FFA. Fix for an issue where players were able to go AFK while playing All or Nothing.

Warzone’s Season 5 promises to be its biggest yet, and reports indicate the stadium will open and a running train will arrive.