As with every weekly rest, the list of available modes in both Call of Duty: Warzone and Modern Warfare gets refreshed. Sometimes that means new additions, other times it’s just a revival of a fan favourite. This week, the playlist update will finally give Modern Warfare players a 24/7 Shipment playlist. Demolition also returns to Modern Warfare with the same update. Demolition is essentially Search and Destroy with respawns. Over on the Warzone side, the Blood Money Plunder variant arrives for Trios. Blood Money awards more cash for taking down players. Outside of that, the same default BR playlists for Solo, Trio and Quads remain. The recently leaked pink anime truck skin also arrives this week in a new store bundle that includes two Legendary weapon blueprints alongside that cargo truck anime skin. In other news, Infinity Ward recently confirmed that the plan is for Warzone to continue alongside future Call of Duty games, and that it will support PS5 and Xbox Series X when they arrive. The bunker doors mystery also remains unsolved in Warzone, but it sounds like we may have to wait until Season Four for the doors to open.