Since launch, Call of Duty: Warzone had a major, unresolved Easter egg involving the many bunker doors hiding all around the game’s map. Try as they might, players never found a way to access these bunkers, whether by solving the mystery or through sheer brute force. This will change with Season 4, however, according to Warzone co-developers Infinity Ward and Raven, who hint at major changes for the Verdansk map next season. “At the heart of it, everyone is still trying to figure out what’s going on, who’s responsible for what’s happening in Verdansk, why there’s gas being deployed that’s pushing us together,” Infinity Ward narrative director, Taylor Kurosaki, told Gamergen. “We’ll continue to give our players more information, more Easter eggs, and the map will change and evolve as they continue to figure out this mystery and get to the bottom of it.” More specifically, Kurosaki pointed to the hidden Warzone bunkers, and stopped just short of confirming that they will open at some point over the next season. Indeed, the most recent Warzone patch added Red Access Cards - an ultra-rare item that may eventually lead players to opening their doors. Behind the scenes, the patch also introduced a new animation for the bunker doors actually opening, indicating an imminent change.

“Players have already discovered that there is a whole other part of Verdansk they haven’t seen yet. They have found clues, and that there is more than meets the eye in this city,” he explained. “Season 4 will unravel some of those mysteries and unlock some of them for our players. As the battle in Verdansk wages on, things will grow more desperate,” he added, revealing that future seasons will introduce new characters (operators) and expand the story of the world." As the story advances with every season, so too will Warzone’s gameplay. Raven’s creative director, Amos Hodge, confirmed that not only can we expect new modes, teams are also working on new items players can loot, including some that you can’t get in a loadout. “So new modes we’ll be releasing, and we’re working on new content - new items in game that you can put in your loadout,” Hodge revealed. “There will be new items to find in BR and Plunder that aren’t in your loadout to add gameplay and a little looting. There will be new field upgrades for example. So we’re working on new Field Upgrades, new modes, new loot in general that you can get in your loadout to add some new spice to the game.” Seeing as how Activision plans for Warzone to live on alongside future Call of Duty games, it makes sense that the mode will continue to evolve in the months and even years to come. We’ll just have to wait and see just how interesting things will get.