“Should it really take 5+ days to fix an ultimate?” writes r/BastionMains user HyperBastiorean, lashing out at Blizzard for taking so long to fix their favourite hero. Five days isn’t even really that long a stretch, but such is the connection between certain Bastion buds on the internet, striking out at others like Sickboy on his epic heroin comedown in Trainspotting. Some bravely believe they can live a life without Bastion, in spite of their life leading them to become commenters on the Bastion subreddit. Dodo501 writes: “I already uninstalled, I refuse to play trash without Bastion. Won’t be reinstalling even if/when he’s added back.” Indeed, for all the genuine hardship Overwatch 2 players have had to undergo, such as an awful battle pass and phone verification system, it must suck to have your beloved main character removed. Others have turned to journaling to express their desperation like Enforcer_XD: “Day 5… or 4, I can’t even remember… no beep boop man… my sanity is ruined… I can’t sleep and I can’t eat… my brain is trying to keep my alive but my body gave up by now… my favorite piece of metal was killed…” Look, all sarcasm and joking aside, with little to no word on when Bastion will be coming back, you’ve got to feel for those one-tricks who just wanna bust out their turret and go ham in quick matches. Sure, you could use this opportunity to learn some new characters, but that sounds like work to be honest and who has time for that? If you’re a Bastion main, let us know below how you’re holding up? Are you feeling well, do you have someone close you can talk to? Stay safe, buddy.