Baldur’s Gate 3 developer Larian has revealed Twitch and YouTube integration for the game’s PC and Stadia versions. Larian sees it as a way for streamers to become dungeon masters, letting players dictate gameplay choices as they monitor the general flow. Viewers will be able to vote on the the dialogue options in the game’s many conversations, and the streamer will see percentages for each of them. They can then choose to play along with chat, or continue picking the choices that make sense for them. On Stadia, this is leveraging the platform’s Crowd Choice feature, available to YouTube streamers and viewers. On Twitch, a similar service is offered through Twitch integration. Viewers will even have the ability to view character skills, stats and even view the streamer’s inventory. Larian also revealed another way of bringing cinematics to multiplayer, particularly to those player-driven moments. The developer is using a mix of performance capture and “bespoke adaptive cameras” to make every character moment cinematic. This is meant to be an efficient way of creating cinematics that works for every character, but doesn’t require the insane budgets of the bigger games. All of that will be available at Baldur’s Gate 3’s Early Access release of September 30 on PC and Stadia. You can watch Larian’s sixth developer update for more.