Newcastle, who previously did some soldiering alongside Apex Legends favourite Bangalore has since settled down and had a kid away from the action. However, now that he’s been sprung back into gunfights while posing as a famous fighter, we’re able to see breaks in his facade that expose the softy he really is. The community on Reddit were quick to flock to one animation where Bangalore appears to mock her longtime friend for this bizarre appearance in the Apex games. Strutting in from off screen, we see her nail Newcastle’s signature pose, take a jab at his sweet visor, and poke at his newfound parental figure. All the while we see Newcastle tanking the friendly banter like the frontline support he is. As good as that is, our favourite animation has to be this one where we see Newcastle relax from his stoic pose. Looking down at his belly and wobbling it about a bit, he shows a bit of frustration before pumping himself up and getting back into character. It’s clear that Newcastle feels a bit out of place in Apex Legends, but judging by our own impressions of the character since he came out, he’s got nothing to worry about. He already feels like one of the best supportive options in the game! Let us know if you’ve tried out Newcastle yourself in Apex Legends Saviors, and what you think of this new powerful addition to the roster. For more Apex Legends coverage, check out our breakdown of Newcastle’s abilities, as well as our report on the ongoing Apex Legends macro debate.