In an interview with Game Informer (via Comic Book), the studio’s general manager Dusty Welch and game director Chad Grenier spoke about the potential for crossplay in Apex Legends. While they stop short of revealing when or even if we will see console crossplay introduced, Welch does say it is “an important thing to get to.” “I think on crossplay we see it’s something that is kind of expected in the industry and is important to a game like ours,” says Welch. “Chad and I are obviously big fans of playing our game at work and in our free time - and we go home on a Friday or weekend and want to play with each other and we’re on different systems. “On a personal level, yes, we’d love to do that and party up on the weekends. I think it’s an important thing to get to.” We spoke to Respawn’s design director Mackey McCandlish last year on this subject. McCandlish described crossplay as something that the Apex Legends team is interested in, but said at the time that it would not be a feature to arrive during its initial launch window. “Cross-play is definitely an opportunity; it’s not something at launch,” confirmed McCandlish. “It’s definitely something we’re aware of and interested in. I can’t speak to whether or not we’ve had specific conversations. Right now it’s just like: ‘Let’s launch the game’.”