Not just that, but this trailer also comes with an announcement for the next season of Apex Legends - Defiance - which will be receiving a official launch trailer January 27. The cherry on top of all this, Apex Legends: Defience will be launching worldwide Febuary 8. Via the Apex Legends website, we can also get an early look at other major new updates coming with season 12. This includes Control, a new game mode where nine-player-teams face off to control certain locations with infinite respawns. Not only that, but the Olympus map is also getting an update, although we’re currently uncertain what this will look like. But who is this character coming with the new season? The one and only Mad Maggie - who was seemingly killed off in the Apex Legends comics. It turns out she survived, and ends up in the Apex games through the course of this new cinematic. They are seemingly saved from an execution by a mysterious character, being sent off to the battle royale which will act as her sentence. This was teased yesterday by the official Apex Legends Twitter account, who posted a simple Youtube link to the trailer which was streamed live just moments ago. By the time it started playing, 30,000 people were watching live. It’s been close to three months since Apex Legend’s last season - Escape - was released and brought us to the tropical island of Storm Point, as well as introduced Ash as a new Legend we could play around with. With Defiance coming out February 8, this new Stories from the Outlands trailer is a much-needed drip of news to a parched fanbase waiting for the next big update. Let us know what you thought of the new trailer in the comments below!